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April 2, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee

Meeting Minutes April 2, 2014 7:02pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Committee Members Present:

Petr Spacek
Stan Moss
Ned Utzig
Rich Wagner
Phil Obrien
John Kowaleski

Chris Lynch of Millennium Communications also attended.


  • Approve 3/26 Minutes – Unanimously Approved.
  • Wired West Discussion, regarding pros and cons of membership.  Vote to recommend to the Select Board and town administrator that Princeton join the Wired West consortium. Unanimously Approved.
  • Discussion on Drafting Annual Town Meeting Minutes.  Stan has a draft version ready.  Article A is the MLP, will follow previous meeting language.  Article B is network readiness expenses.  See if town will transfer funds for network readiness, association membership and engineering/consulting.   Vote to accept Stan’s draft articles was Unanimously Approved.
  • Planning for Fiber Demo at the Library.   Town Hall Campus CAI ISP contract was awarded to Cornerstone.   Requested ideal time for turn on of the circuit would be Friday 4/18.   New high-speed PC with IPS display is installed at the Library and they are in the loop with the plan to have a Sunday demo event.  Current target for a demo event is Sun 5/4 from 1pm to 4pm.    Planning for food/beverages, signage and marketing materials.
  • Discussion on current Millennium proposal draft with Chris Lynch. Chris will send a revised copy of the proposal out for review.
  • Discussion on strategy for providing low-income / need-based assistance for the network signup fee.
  • Ned gave an overview of the Community Innovation Challenge CIC.  Grants up to $200k for small municipal projects.  Closed for 2014, Deadline for 2015 awards is November.

Action Items
  • Chris Lynch – Supply edited draft of Millennium proposal, send to Ned for distribution. (Chris)
  • CATV franchise decision – communication of result of licensing process to town (Phil)
  • Announcement of CAI light-up and ISP contract on website (Phil/Rich)
  • Ned to send out result of voting on Wired West to John L. / BOS. (Ned)
Upcoming Agenda Items

  • Discussion of demo marketing materials / approval of mailing content for demo.
  • Discuss edited draft from Millennium.
  • Discussion with MBI (upcoming/TBD)
  • Post card production 4/16
Meeting adjourned  8:50PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig